Let’s Set Some Vampire Resolutions for 2024

by Catherine

With the start of each new year – and in this case, blog – we find ourselves looking ahead to the next 365 366 days and thinking ahead to what we want and what we think we might be able to achieve. Whether we succeed or not is, well, anyone’s guess.

So for 2024, let’s make some vampire-related goals!

Read The Vampire Chronicles

As was one of my Confessions of a Vampire Enthusiast, The Vampire Chronicles is one of the biggest holes in my vampire-related media consumption. I’ve only read Interview with the Vampire (twice), plus seen the 1994 film adaptation (once) and watched the musical on Youtube (more times than one should, really).

So it’s only natural that reading The Vampire Chronicles be a natural goal on my vampire resolutions list. Thirteen books equals one book a month, with one of them getting a bonus book.

(Not specifically a resolution on its own, but now that the television adaptation is available on TVNZ On Demand, I do plan on watching that as well.)

Actively Diversify My Vampire Consumption

I’ve not read or watched much over the last year or so – vampire-related or not. So as part of my goal to read and watch more in general, I will be making a point to make sure I am consuming more diversely. The most popular and known vampire media heavily trends towards the white and straight and American/British, so let’s change that reading habit. Let’s read and watch more stories:

  • About BIPOC characters and by BIPOC creators
  • About queer characters and creators
  • About and by people with disabilities
  • Produced in a language other than English (and then translated over)

Read More Vampire Non-Fiction

I have a surprisingly large collection of vampire non-fiction – histories, essay collections and the like. But the key word there is “collection”. They are sitting on my shelf looking all interesting but I have yet to crack them open. So this year let’s turn that non-fiction to read into a have read collection.

A handful of titles, if you’re curious:

Somehow I acquired two copies of From Demons to Dracula, so I had definitely better read that one soon!

Write A Vampire Novel (Or Two)

Due to health reasons, mostly, I stopped writing for a number of years. Now though I am in a better place, so for 2024 I am going to outline and draft a vampire novel. Maybe two, who knows. No self-publishing plans this year – the goal is to complete the novels first.

My first attempt at writing since a year that was not in the twenty-twenties was a surprising success. I won NaNo WriMo last year, so I know I can do it. I just need to stick with it.

Keep Up With Dracula Daily

For those of you who don’t know, Dracula Daily is “an email newsletter than sends you the relevant part” email newsletter that sends you the novel Dracula, in ‘real-time’, as it happens to the characters”. Meaning you get to watch the events play out in chronological order rather than the novel’s original organisation.

I’ve been signed up for three years now, and each time I’ve failed to actually keep up with the project. Basically, I just get behind and then give up thinking “there’s always next year”. Well 2024 is next year, so this time let’s make this goal happen!

Watch Tanz der Vampire Live

This is the one that I am going to give myself the most grace on if I don’t achieve it, simply because of the practicalities. Flights to Europe, accommodation costs, not to mention the price of the tickets themselves… it’s a lot of money at the very least.

Seeing Tanz der Vampire live is really the only thing on my bucket list, so I am going to do my very best to make it happen after almost twenty years of wishing and wanting.

There’s no real trailer for Hamburg 2023-24, so have the 2017 Vienna international trailer. With Drew Sarich. 😀

Those are my current resolutions for the year of 2024. No doubt I have forgotten something, so please remind me before I wake up at 2am with a horrible realisation. Alternatively, let me know what your vampire resolutions are.

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